Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cliches & Crises

Nope, I'm not going to be negative here - however, the struggle IS real.  This textbook business really got me down, there's been a 'tired and overworked' feeling throughout our normally extremely positive and optimistic faculty, and I am not quite sure why I thought that a leadership endorsement would be a good class to add to my weekly schedule.....

BUT, the only person who has control over my attitude is me - and I have taken the last couple of weeks to really focus on finding my positivity again.  It has been surprisingly difficult.  I mean, I love my kids, I adore creating lessons and adding those touches to keep the kids engaged and bright.  I live for those moments where I 'have' the students and we are learning as a team.  I am proud of Room 1113 and what we can create.

And yet.

This year just hasn't given that same atmosphere or emotion. And that isn't fair on my kids.  I can get by and be a better teacher NEXT year - after all, I already know what changes I am going to make to the textbook in 2019-20 (what? How did THAT happen?!), but this year's kids are the ones who matter right now.

So, it started with an already planned opportunity to facilitate a Twitter chat - my first time.  I volunteered on Joy Kirr's list to lead #shiftthis.  I knew that it would invigorate me, and it did.  Then I focused on listening to the podcasts I had been neglecting.  From ideas on Google Teacher Tribe to solid ideas and better teaching on Cult of Pedagogy, I started to make notes again and get excited about possibilities.  Oh, what a wonderful feeling!  

Fall Break has allowed me to take a break.  It let me catch up on grading and to think about what my students really need from me.  It took the pressure away and gave me time to think.

Tomorrow it's back to the classroom.  I'm ready.  I have my plans made and I know that it will all change - because it always does!  My focus is back.  My attitude renewed.  

The test will be real.  Meeting before school.  Class after school.  A 7am-9pm day.  But I chose to do this, and I can only be better by always making and seeking new goals.  

Last year's goal was to shift my classroom.
My word of the year was transformation.
This year's goal was to create a class of readers.
My post-fall break goal is.......

To Be Joyful

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A Tough Start

I would say that one of my biggest positives as a teacher positivity!  I truly believe that I can make a difference.  I know that my smile and laughter will help at least one kid today.  I work hard to create a happy environment in our room.  Room 1113 MUST be a positive haven.  Room 1113 HAS to be somewhere students feel joy in and ownership over.  That's how I will succeed in the long run.

I really believe that.

Working on shifting ownership of the room and encouraging students to feel comfortable and 'at home' has been an enormously positive change in my practice.

No more rows.
No more assigned seating.
No more teacher desk.
No more, "Sit and be compliant," rather, "Be respectful and learn."

It's been good.

But right now, it's a struggle.  So hard.

Not the shifting, not the doing what I believe is right.  No.  That's all good.  It's the day-to-day business of this semester.

Year 4 was supposed to be my 'thank you' for three hard years.  I guess that I need to get over that!  Year 4 is actually going to be the hardest year yet.  Is that why they say you have to last 5 years to know that you'll remain in the profession?  Is year 4 just a deep, dark, and dreadful secret that no one shares? 

Maybe it's a natural progression.  Perhaps it's the year that you feel confident so you bite off more than you can chew (and there I was, thinking year 3 was that year!).  After all, I was the one silly enough to sign up for an endorsement class.  Why?  What was I thinking?  I was the one who thought that I deserved to have two riding lessons a week instead of one.  Really?  Well, that booked up the week, didn't it?  It was my fault for being motivated to help start and then throw myself full-bodied into the PLC that is planning to change what we know about grading in our county.  Yup. All me.  It was my choice to implement daily reading to Room 1113, which puts more pressure on to manage the pacing guide, means more time out of the classroom to give feedback and support to the kiddos.  I made all these decisions that are taking over my life.

Am I moaning?

You betcha.

Would I have it any other way?

Heck no!

Now, the new textbook, change of curriculum, complete 'back to square 1' lesson planning, THAT I would change - but that's the one factor I have NO control over.  That's the one implementation I have to do, and so I will.  Because I might be a bold adventurer, but I'm a rule follower too. 

So, year 4 will be a challenge.  It is what it is.  My kids will benefit from my efforts, I have to believe that.  Will I find ways around this textbook to give my students the best experience I can create for them?  Yes, I will.  Might I need to refocus every week?  Yes indeed - and that's OK, because I love this crazy life, and I love my kids.

Go get'em Bryson!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Our Blog

Everyone advises authentic audiences.  It makes sense, right?  But here's the thing.  Much as I want the kids to think about their work as something far-reaching, more than just the teacher reads, there is also the reality of safety, district rules, teacher responsibility....and all that good stuff.

So, I have a class Twitter account and Instagram, but don't follow anyone other than Atlanta United, the Zoo, and DeSana addresses.  They haven't been very effective, although the kids have enjoyed the personal touches on Instagram.  They get to peek into my life, and they like that.   But it was time to up my game.

This year we will have a class blog.  My Publicists for each class will collect statements, anecdotes, and quotes, and share them with me.  These will be posted in the blog along with (hopefully) Podcast snippets and pictures.  I started the blog, Leadership Roles begin this week, and as our leaders get into action, it will become a team effort. Room 1113 belongs to THEM, not me!

My main goals are:

  • Your room, not mine.
  • Audiences are out there, reading your words, learning about what we do in Room 1113
  • I listen to your voices, your words are what we'll share.
Let's go Room 1113!

Everyone Should be a Student Once in a While...

 I had Tweeted post workout the other day - pointing out how you can learn a lot about teaching while in a group class in the gym. The more ...