Friday, December 23, 2022

Celebrating our First Semester as the MLC


It was a semester filled with goals and excitement - now it's time to roll on to the next set of ideas and goals!

We started with the teacher hub and ended with the World Cup - and there was so much fun in between! 

Now, it's time to relax over the holidays and celebrate what we've I plan for January and beyond!

Second Semester Student Goals

  • Earn brag tags after reading and sharing your thinking!
  • Collect stamps in your reading passport and be celebrated!
  • Be on the BBC!  Join Mrs. Bryson on video and share thinking about your book.
  • Have lunch with Mrs. B.

MLC Plans

  • Time to genrefy the nonfiction area
  • Moving books around so that they are easier to find - and more engagingly displayed - think Barnes & Noble in the library!
  • TEACHING and sharing. 
    • Book in a Day
    • Holocaust and WWII
    • Mystery genre
    • 6th grade Science Fair Research Paper
    • and so much more!

Roll on January! I'm READY For You!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

No More Gatekeeping!

When I heard that there were students who were scared of visiting the Media Center...nervous about lost books...worried about how to self-checkout or how to find a book ...

I won't lie, it broke my heart 💔

I see my job as that of a salesperson.  In fact, it brings back my Tupperware days (yes, I was a Tupperware lady - a very successful one, thank you very much. GMC Yukon XL, a cruise to Alaska, et al). It wasn't about selling the product, it was about bringing people to the party. That meant enticing and encouraging. It meant making sure that your reputation proceeded you. It meant being willing to 'give' in order to 'get'. Then you had to know your stuff and be respected. You had to provide great customer service. Having a fantastic product helped. I guess I will pontificate more on that another time - a future blog topic!

So, how do I bring them to the party?

Step 1. Stop this ridiculous 2-book limit. I read my first Manga in half of an evening - and that was after spending some time figuring out just HOW to read it 😜  How on earth were we expecting our readers to be satisfied with only 2 books over a weekend?  Never mind holidays, long weekends, etc.  Then there are the books they are reading for class - why should that count towards their numbers?  So we expanded to 5. One of my favorite moments this year was watching a student doing a LITERAL happy dance as she found out that she did NOT have to choose between books. 

Step 2. No more fines. End the fear of losing a book that meant a student never came back. Stop charging them for being honest when a book was damaged.  With middle school kids, teaching them that lying is the best way to go is not to be recommended. Well, with any kid. And fear teaches them to lie. Now we have a chat. We talk about how to take care of books. We thank them for caring and being honest. And some choose to replace the book.  Which is awesome. Most books show up anyway 🤷

Step 3. Make the MLC the hub. The place to be. The World Cup fell into my lap allowing for watch parties and soccer lunches. I got to create relationships with students who rarely visit. We did drawings for anyone wearing a soccer shirt - and they came every day to see me. The final games during the week have been played, but they are still coming. They stop me in the hallway.  It's wonderful!

Step 4. Outreach. We are advertising. Communicating. I visit the cafe at lunch and wander and chat.  My goal is that every kid knows me!  The first thing we did this year - before school even started - was to create the Teacher Hub with coffee and snacks - that allows me to talk to teachers continuously, allows them to see classes in the MLC, lets them see me teaching other classes, and brings them in. 

When I teach the kids, that helps to create the relationships too - win-win!

Step 5. Second Semester rewards. Now that I have built a base for the MLC, it's time to truly reward our readers.  Brag Tags, reading passports, an opportunity to be on the BBC (Bryson Book Chats), and even just having lunch with me. The sneak peek has been well received - and I can't wait for January! 

The details

Tome Literacy Society - wonderful books chosen each year that help to make our job easier!

When offered the opportunity to take over the Media Center, the given task was clear - "Bring them in.  Make it lively. Be the hub of the school."  Everything I do is with that goal in mind. Because when they want to be with me and in our space, I have plenty of time to live the teacher librarian focus on encouraging reading and helping to find books.  And now the kids are helping me to share books with outs (BBC videos and student reviews). And now I get to reward them with brag tags and the Wall of Fame!

My goodness, this is FUN!

Friday, December 9, 2022

It's All Positive Here...

When I see so much negativity about teaching and the profession on social media, it makes me so sad. Especially since my experience this year has been so positive. Of course, I say that after moving out of the classroom and into the Media Center.

So what’s different?

I’m fully immersed with kids from the second I step into the building. 100%. Even when I have work to do and I attempt to hide in my office, they know my policy and will be standing at my desk with something to say at multiple random moments.

I have an office. And a bathroom.

I get to be creative and do what’s right for the moment. Whenever I want.

I have a budget. 

I’m able to have the students create and work the plan. There’s no competition for attention. There’s no set format.

Other teachers love that the kids are involved, that I’m doing my thing, that I’m trying new things, and that it’s working.

There is no resentment about success, only encouragement when things get tricky.

I have 100% administrative support. The entire team is wonderful, and I can’t stress that enough.

I work harder than I’ve ever worked during the day, and try as I can … I can’t plan or organize my time because there is no rhythm to the day. But when I come home …

When I come home, I can work if I choose to. I learn from others, reflect, play with my Blog/website (I just revamped and started again), get creative, and brainstorm … if I choose to. But I no longer have essays to pour over, parent emails/conversations, or student messages to answer.

OK. I have student messages, but that’s because they are excited and have come to me with great ideas or questions, or thoughts about our programs or events. And who wouldn’t love that?

I no longer give up a minimum of a day each weekend. I can hike. I can garden. I can read. And boy! Am I reading?! Book after book as I create a new book list and now move into reading the books we have so that I can help our kids with choices.

Also, I can watch The World Cup. So there’s that! I can watch the World Cup, connecting with kids who rarely brighten our doors - books scare them - but now we’re chatting, laughing, bantering, and even sharing soccer books and playing The World Game.

So, I’m not sure what the lesson is, but I will tell you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been - I’ve gone from loving my job, but being exhausted and stressed, to simply loving my job without the baggage. Just being where I’m supposed to be - and I think that I’m where the school needs me to be.

I feel guilty at times that while others struggle, I’ve found this perfect role. But on the other hand, that also makes me strive harder to find ways to support our teachers and find ways to truly make their lives easier. Because I can. The Media Center should be the hub of the school for all. Not just books. Not just kids. Teachers should get the benefits too. The vision is endless. There is so much exciting stuff to be done.


This Week's Takeaway...

Want to be a hero? Let kids know that the 2-book limit is a thing of a pass.  Now they can borrow 5. 

No gatekeepers here!

Saturday, December 3, 2022

World Cup Changes the Space

 When I was asked about taking over the Media Center, I was given one specific instruction, "Bring them in." We weren't even focused on books or reading - just get them in through the door!

And that's been my focus.

  • Students running it all - from committee to volunteers
  • Contests and events
  • Book Fair focus with the World Famous Lollipop Board
  • Friendlier and fairer - no fines, increasing books allowances
  • Bringing in the books they want
But it's football (soccer) that's given me the impetus I needed to get them all in.

I love my footie.  It's the World Cup. The most important sporting event in the world - held during school because FIFA.  You only get 3-4 World Cups in your childhood, and this generation was having it taken away from them.

Not on my watch.

My kids and I had talked about a bulletin board. The Morning Activities team had created the World Cup of Trivia. I had planned to do Secret Soccer Sightings - drawing opportunities for anyone spotted in a soccer shirt.  So, we had stuff.  It just didn't feel like enough. So, I wondered if they'd let me show the games.  I mean, I could watch it on my laptop in my office, but that seems selfish. So I emailed the principal, "Would it be OK if I showed the World Cup games in the MLC?"

"Yes please!"

Well, OK then.

So, it started slow.  We had it on the TV outside, and the students would stop to check the score.  I updated scores on the whiteboard outside. I put games on the big screens inside and allowed those who asked to eat lunch while watching games.  

It grew. It got chaotic. It was messy. It was fun. Our space is full.

Not only is it full - it's full of kids I rarely see.  Kids who used to stay well away now run to me to show me their shirts and check that I am playing the games. I'm teaching them chants. We are looking up countries on maps. We are playing games and goofing off together. And the MLC is THE fun place to be. Teachers are allowing kids to visit and most are on board.

It's once every four years. In some cultures it's everything.

One student told me, "I'm coming to school because of you."

Now to keep them coming once the glorious chaos of the World Cup ends. That's the next challenge!

Everyone Should be a Student Once in a While...

 I had Tweeted post workout the other day - pointing out how you can learn a lot about teaching while in a group class in the gym. The more ...