Saturday, December 3, 2022

World Cup Changes the Space

 When I was asked about taking over the Media Center, I was given one specific instruction, "Bring them in." We weren't even focused on books or reading - just get them in through the door!

And that's been my focus.

  • Students running it all - from committee to volunteers
  • Contests and events
  • Book Fair focus with the World Famous Lollipop Board
  • Friendlier and fairer - no fines, increasing books allowances
  • Bringing in the books they want
But it's football (soccer) that's given me the impetus I needed to get them all in.

I love my footie.  It's the World Cup. The most important sporting event in the world - held during school because FIFA.  You only get 3-4 World Cups in your childhood, and this generation was having it taken away from them.

Not on my watch.

My kids and I had talked about a bulletin board. The Morning Activities team had created the World Cup of Trivia. I had planned to do Secret Soccer Sightings - drawing opportunities for anyone spotted in a soccer shirt.  So, we had stuff.  It just didn't feel like enough. So, I wondered if they'd let me show the games.  I mean, I could watch it on my laptop in my office, but that seems selfish. So I emailed the principal, "Would it be OK if I showed the World Cup games in the MLC?"

"Yes please!"

Well, OK then.

So, it started slow.  We had it on the TV outside, and the students would stop to check the score.  I updated scores on the whiteboard outside. I put games on the big screens inside and allowed those who asked to eat lunch while watching games.  

It grew. It got chaotic. It was messy. It was fun. Our space is full.

Not only is it full - it's full of kids I rarely see.  Kids who used to stay well away now run to me to show me their shirts and check that I am playing the games. I'm teaching them chants. We are looking up countries on maps. We are playing games and goofing off together. And the MLC is THE fun place to be. Teachers are allowing kids to visit and most are on board.

It's once every four years. In some cultures it's everything.

One student told me, "I'm coming to school because of you."

Now to keep them coming once the glorious chaos of the World Cup ends. That's the next challenge!

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