Sunday, August 7, 2022

It's Not Just a Media Center

 A New Journey...

And here we are. The first full week of a new school year.  But I am no longer an ELA teacher. I am no longer limited by designated classes and structured curricula. That's exciting!  On the other hand, I have to learn new priorities, new procedures, and find a rhythm in a new world.

The Media Center. That amazing space that can bring so much more to the school.

The Media and Learning Center. My goal is to change the perception of the space and create a hub for the school.

There's so much I want to do, to change.

But the main focus is singular - involve the kids, bring them into the Media Center, and find ways for them to take ownership. And I'm pumped.

Step 1 - change the space to create pods and collaborative spaces ✅
Step 2 - invite students to volunteer and create their priorities ✅
Step 3 - purchase and install a Lego wall ✅
Step 4 - focus on MakerSpace areas and materials ✅
Step 5 - get a website going for students to access and add to ✅
Step 6 - get the details done and focus on the students, the relationships, and the excitement...

Step six is the big one. The one I am most excited about. The one that I wake up thinking about, the one that fills my mind with joy.

Which reminds me, my word for the year is JOYFUL - and I can't think of a word more suitable to my goals and plans!

So what do I mean by that?

Well, quite simply, I want the students to be the ones who push the ideas and plans. The ones who think of the contests and activities. Sure, I might lead with thought-starters, but the buy-in and excitement will only come from them feeling that they have ownership. They need to create excitement, don't they?  I can motivate, but the intrinsic desire to be a part of everything needs to be developed by them.

Tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. it all starts.  I have 16 kids signed up to start the process.  We will be together first thing and get plans into action. I have a slideshow for prompting, but they will get to decide who should be on the committee and how that works.  There are numerous tasks that they can lead - and I am as excited as they are about the opportunities.

My big picture is for the students to truly believe that they are in charge. That they own the space. That they tell their friends and bring them in.

We can do this.

And it's going to be AMAZING!

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