Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Teacher Appreciation Thought Starter

So I got this email from a parent - it was was really nice email that was thanking me for all that I've done, telling me that she and her daughter would like to send me an appreciation little something, and how would they do this during our quarantimes. It was a nice email.

It was very kind
It was very thoughtful, and it made me feel good.

So, I thanked her nicely, and I let her know that I have to go in twice this week to go clean out and move my room, and that she could leave a little something there, and thank you very much, and how much I appreciated it.

Then I started thinking. First of all, I don't ever remember - maybe once - receiving anything for teacher appreciation week from a parent. I think perhaps there was one time. Now the PTO always does a fantastic job, as do admin.  But parents - it's not something that crosses their mind, and why should it? Just in a couple of weeks we will be finishing up school, and then those parents who feel so inclined, occasionally give us a nice little gift or a card, and sometimes it’s something really special. I will never forget the gorgeous handmade saddle pad one parent gave me in school colors. Or the amazing Dr. Who pillow a student made for me.  Special indeed. 

But those are end of year. Not for Teacher Appreciation Week. Don't get me wrong, It’s not something I’ve complained about or something that bothers me, it just struck me as, “Huh, interesting.”  

Could it be because it's on the news everywhere? Could it be because you're seeing it on Facebook everywhere? We’re being really ‘appreciated’ right now during COVID. I wonder if we will see that next year, or whenever what we do becomes 'expected and normal' again? 

But then I thought about a little line, a throwaway comment she had in her email. Something to the effect of. “I really want you to know how much I appreciate you and all you do especially during this time.”

Especially during this time.  

Yeah, that makes me feel guilty.  

Am I working hard? Sure! Am I doing everything I can to connect with these kids? Absolutely!

Am I doing lots of one-on-ones and personal coaching - stuff that I've never been able to do before? Sure and I'm loving every minute of it!

I got a puppy.
I get to go for walks twice a day.
My husband is no longer going to Miami every week; I'm not living on my own four days out of each week.
My son is home from college. He's doing online classes; he's here at home after being away in the Navy for 7 years.
Oh, and did I mention I got a puppy?!
I’ve been gardening.
I get to ride my horse three or four times a week instead of once or twice.

Also, I get to meet with students one-on-one.  Yeah, it’s virtually, but the work we're doing is fantastic. I've tried so hard to have consistent conferring in the classroom, but there is never enough time.

My high flyers are flying really high with this independent learning.

I have kids who really didn't do much in the classroom who are now functioning.  They have time to think.  They have more support from me, and they can work when it's the right time for them. 

Sure, there are frustrations. There are some kids that, “Where are you kiddo? Just ‘cos spring break happened, it doesn't mean it's all over!” Just because there's no Milestones and no test, doesn't mean it's all done. Just because they announce that your third quarter grade cannot - has to be your grade - you can't go lower, doesn't mean that it's not worth it. I've never really given grades anyway, only for summatives. That's frustrating. I try to reach, out I try to text parents, I try to call parents, I try to text kids, I try to message kids, I try to do everything I can — and that's hard.

But there's so much joy, and there’s so much learning. I've learned so much. I can't wait for next year. I don't know what kind of teaching will see. I don't know what it's going to be like. Is it going be back to normal?

I hope not.

I hope that we will learn from this. I hope that we're going to add self-paced learning to all of our courses. I hope that we're going to help students to be independent. And even - dare I say it? - I hope for some virtual teaching. I also hope we address the equity. I hope that every kid will have a Chromebook in their hands. I hope that we can help with access to Wi-Fi. I hope that the students who need the support will get the support. But what I really hope for, is that we will stop teaching kids to get the work done, and will start teaching kids to be inspired by learning. That's what I hope.

So it’s great to feel appreciated, but let’s all be excited about what’s to come, because I think that there are great things that are going to happen in education thanks to the quarantimes.

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