Sunday, August 12, 2018

Flexible Seating - Shift the Space

One of the biggest changes that I made to my classroom last year, was to really focus on shifting over the 'power' to the students. After all, it is their classroom, not mine!  If we want to move away from the 'sage on the stage' and create thinking learners, then the decisions begin in the space that they work on - in the classroom.

Why should we obey MY rules, when they have ideas, thoughts, suggestions that they can own and follow?

Why should I set up the furniture when they are the learners?  Don't force ME into a space to enjoy a good book, let me create my happy place.

Let them have some say - and they will care so much more!

Last year's kids gave me many thoughts about setting up our classroom, so that is how I have begun this year.  This year's students will have their Idea Buttons to press, their Idea Board to make suggestions on, and a plethora of ways to communicate their ideas to me.  I am looking forward to seeing their suggestions.

I put a video together to share on various groups I belong to, I posted it in my Personalizing Learning page - because I truly believe that is what flexible seating is- but I'm posting it here to show a little bit about the atmosphere of Room 1113.

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